Local Grantees
Welcome Neighbor STL: $5,000
Partners with refugee and immigrant families, connecting them with the people and opportunities that will empower them to build and live their best life in their new country
National Grantees
Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (MADP): $70,000
Worked to develop policies which end capital prosecutions and address historic wrongs in convictions; provided education outreach; empowered exonerees to become advocates for criminal justice reform
A complete funding history can be found in the St. Louis Archdiocesan Archives. For more information visit the Archdiocese archives or call (314) 792-7020.
Local Grantees
Institute for Peace and Justice (IPJ): $4,700
Helps women ex-offenders find positive, assertive ways to solve problems and advocate for change in the criminal justice system
Metropolitan Congregations United for St. Louis (MCU): $9,415
Addressed environmental injustices─ specifically, air quality ─in low-income areas.
National Grantees
Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (MADP): $70,000
Worked to develop policies which end capital prosecutions and address historic wrongs in convictions; provided education outreach; empowered exonerees to become advocates for criminal justice reform
Local Grantees
Institute for Peace and Justice (IPJ): $4,900
Helps women ex-offenders find positive, assertive ways to solve problems and advocate for change in the criminal justice system
Inter-Faith Committee on Latin America (IFCLA): $10,000
Equipped Latinx community leaders to advocate locally and federally for policies supporting human rights and social justice
Metropolitan Congregations United for St. Louis (MCU): $10,000
Addressed environmental injustices─ specifically, air quality ─in low-income areas.
A Red Circle: $10,000
Empowered low-income residents to grow and distribute fresh produce, explore careers in food and entrepreneurship, and better understand food justice and racial equity
National Grantees
Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (MADP): $65,000
Worked to develop policies which end capital prosecutions and address historic wrongs in convictions; provided education outreach; empowered exonerees to become advocates for criminal justice reform
Local Grantees
Social Action and Virtue Education Foundation (SAVE): $6,250
Advanced a Catholic-based school discipline alternative that gives students a voice and a chance to solve conflict peacefully
St. Ann Catholic School: $6,000
Developed an affordable on-site food program to combat food insecurity and change how children think about healthy and sustainable eating
Our Lady of Holy Cross Senior Resource Center: $4,000
Helped seniors identify and advocate for positive change in their community
Institute for Peace and Justice (IPJ): $3,000
Helped women ex-offenders find positive, assertive ways to solve problems and advocate for change in the criminal justice system
National Grantees
Metropolitan Congregations United (MCU): $75,000
Developed faith leaders who mobilize people to change public policy for the common good
Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (MADP): $60,000
Worked to repeal the death penalty through education and criminal justice reform
Local Grantees
Inter-faith Committee on Latin America (IFCLA): $9,500
Equipped Latinx community leaders to advocate locally and federally for policies supporting human rights and social justice
LinkSTL: $5,000
Recruited young people to advocate at the local and state level for needed changes in their impoverished neighborhood
Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (MADP): $9,000
Worked with the prosecutor’s office to develop policies which end capital prosecutions and address historic wrongs in convictions
Our Lady of Holy Cross Senior Resource Center: $9,000
Helped seniors identify and advocate for positive change in their community.
National Grantees
Social Action and Virtue Education Foundation (SAVE) $15,000
Empowered people to build communities and peacefully resolve conflicts
Metropolitan Congregations United (MCU): $65,000
Addressed schools, policing, and justice systems contributing to the criminalization of young people of color
Local Grantees
Social Action and Virtue Education (SAVE) Foundation: $9,700
Trained high school/college students in school discipline practices that focus on repairing relationships
LinkSTL: $8,212
Established a youth council that identified and advocated at the local and state level for needed changes in the community
Institute for Peace and Justice (IPJ): $3,000
Helped women ex-offenders find positive, assertive ways to solve problems and advocate for change in the criminal justice system
Midtown Neighborhood Opportunities Corporation (Midtown Men’s Club): $3,000
Hired a community advocate to engage neighbors/organizations and lead the group in opportunities to bring about institutional change.
National Grantees
Coalition for Truth in Independence (CTI): $45,000
Advocated for policy change that would benefit people with disabilities in the areas of transportation, employment, access, and voting rights.
Metropolitan Congregations United for St. Louis (MCU): $65,000
Addressed schools, policing, and justice systems contributing to the criminalization of young people of color; promoted legislative accountability and citizen participation in policy-making
Missouri Citizens United for the Rehabilitation of Errants (CURE): $5,000
Provided information and tools to understand the criminal justice system and advocate for positive change; developed relationships in the community
Local Grantees
Latinos En Axion STL: $9,000
Offered English classes for Latino immigrants enabling them to advocate for comprehensive immigration reform and against racial profiling
City Greens Market: $6,300
Paid stipends to low-income families to grow produce and sell it to the community, which gave residents control over their local food supply
Midtown Neighborhood Opportunities Corporation (Midtown Men’s Club): $6,000 Built community and counteracted negative stereotypes of black men by performing community service, mentoring youth, and meeting with leaders to express neighborhood concerns
LinkSTL: $6,500
Provided youth and young adults living in poverty with financial empowerment courses and networking opportunities; encouraged engagement with police and elected officials
Social Action and Virtue Education (SAVE) Foundation: $4,500
Trained members/parents in restorative school discipline practices that focus on repairing relationships rather than punishing behavior
Closing the School to Prison Pipeline: Shut it Down: $2,500
Addressed the over-representation of African American children in school suspensions and family court with an approach to student behavior that focuses on healing rather than punishment
National Grantees
Metropolitan Congregations United (MCU): $65,000
Addressed school, policing, and juvenile justice systems contributing to the criminalization of young people of color
The Coalition for Truth in Independence (CTI): $44,000
Advocated for the rights of those with disabilities; ensured they have access to resources enabling them to thrive
Voices of Women: $10,000
Hosted Women in Leadership training; maintained a community garden; provided micro-loans and micro-savings accounts for adults and children